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You just can’t help but notice Isabelle! She’s tall, broad and proud of her style and strength. She is so generous with her storage space. Three large cabinet spaces, tall enough for wine bottles and her side drawers have dividers to help stay organized. That broad middle drawer is so wide and deep you could lay placements flat!

Isabelle’s hardware is all original and so is the design. Each brass oval piece has a conche shell on it! I think I hear the ocean…..or maybe it’s that lovely deep ocean blue lacquer.

Please note the tabs below outline more detail about Isabelle. Purchasing a refurbished vintage piece helps reduce the 12 million tons of furniture that annually ends up in US landfills. Join us in the sustainable design movement! We rescue and refresh, so you can reclaim a lovely #rheirloom of your own.

Maker / Designer


Inkwell 6992
Sherwin Williams


39.5h x 70w x 25d inches


Our water-based 2k lacquer finish is tough as nails and will endure decades with proper care. We recommend dusting often and using a very mild soap and soft sponge or microfiber cloth if necessary for spills. Do not use any cleansers with ammonia or other harsh chemicals, it will destroy the finish.



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