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This is a vintage Dixie dresser with beautiful traditional lines. Sporting a new luxurious coat of high glass lacquer in Benj. Moore Deep Polo Blue. There are 5 drawers in 2 sizes. Small and shallow for those unmentionables and deep for those everyday tees or pajamas. He even has shiny new brass satin hardware. This boy is ready to roll!

This piece has been previously loved by prior generations so minor imperfections should be expected.

Maker / Designer


Polo Blue 2062-10
Benjamin Moore


54h x 36w x 22d inches


Our lacquer finish is catalyzed (2k) at every coat. It is a very durable finish and will ensure for decades with proper care. We recommend dusting often and using coasters and protective felt feet on pointed objects.

For cleaning greasy finger prints or dirty smudges, this is the product we use for the "final finish". It is waterbased and will not react with our finish. Do not substitute with a solvent-based finishing spray.  We recommend both the Meguiars Final Finish and these microfiber cloths.

Do not use any cleansers with ammonia or other harsh chemicals, it will dull the finish.

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